The material on this web site has been contributed by friends and critics of James Buchanan in honor of his 80th birthday. The contributions range from personal tributes to thematic essays. They have come in from all over the world and were put together on various local versions of word processing programs. We have refrained from editorial intervention, so that the style and format used by the authors could be retained. Not surprisingly, however, this has led to a few cases of incompatibility in the encoding of characters, formulas, etc. Thus, there are still some rough edges on the presentation of a few of the contributions. We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause, but it was impossible for us to alleviate all of these problems in the time available to us.
Since the contributions are only a mouse click away, it is superfluous to comment on them any further. However, another part of the "web site story" needs to be made public. The emergence of this order was, like so many others, not completely spontaneous. Some of the hidden hands who assisted in its creation should not remain invisible. The organizational work, approaching contributors, getting letters out to them and doing all the those "little" things that pave the way for a project like this, was done by Betty Tillman at the Center for Study of Public Choice. At the construction site at the University of Duisburg, Germany, Petra Krueger and Allison Blizzard "wove" the web, following some preparatory work by Sebastian Rehne. The two of them did basically all the practical, hands-on work. Without their willingness to get things done, none of this would have been possible. The project committee was restricted to reading over the material and looking over their shoulders. A charming position and a division of labor that we do appreciate.
H. G. Brennan, H. Kliemt
and B. Tollison
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Boettke, Peter J.: James M. Buchanan and the
Rebirth of Political Economy
Congleton, Roger D.: Buchanan and the Virginia
Feulner, Edwin J.: The Impact of Professor
James Buchanan's Work on American Public Policy
Papers Topically Related to Themes That Buchanan Has Dealt with in His
Albert, Hans: Science and the Social Order
Barbosa, António S. Pinto: The Constitutional
Stage Revisited
Blankart, Charles B.: Local Autonomy and Popitz'
Law in Prussia and in Germany
Brennan, Geoffrey: Notes on Buchanan on Methodological
Faith, Roger L.: Does Abstention Matter?
Fand, David: Are We Facing a Stock Market Bubble?
Foldvary, Fred E.: Recalculating Consent
Giersch, Herbert:Economic Morality as a Competitive
Greene, Kenneth; Nelson, Philipp: Morality and
the Political Process
Lewisch, Peter: Constitutional Economics and
Choice of Law
Machan, Tibor R.: The Normative Basis of Economic
Marmolo, Elisabetta and Mehta, Nimai M.: Miracles
and Meltdowns - Reinventing Leviathan in East Asia
Meiselman, David I.: Government Intertemporal
Capital Management Decision Making
Mueller, Dennis C.: What Ought to Be Taxed?
Müller, Christian; Tietzel, Manfred:
Merit Goods from a Constitutional Perspective
Ott, Attiat F. :A Personal Reminiscence
Pauly: James Buchanan as a Health Economist
Pejovich, Svetozar:Immorality of the Transition
Industry: The Case of Eastern Europe
Reynolds, Noel B.: Pareto Optimality and the
Rule of Law
Richter, Rudolf: Transformation of Economic
Schmidtchen, Dieter: To Help or Not to
Help: The Samaritan's Dilemma Revisited
Tanaka, Kiyokazu: Considerations of Constitutional
Choice at Condominium Community
Thompson, Earl: An Invisible Hand Theorem
for Collectivists
Wagner, Richard E.: Austrian Cycle Theory: Saving
the Wheat While Discarding the Chaff
Yoon, Yong J.: The Voracity Effect Puzzle: Comment
Discussions of One or Several of the Buchanan Ideas
Brough, Wayne T. and Naka, Shigeto: Buchanan
for the 21st Century
Clark, Jeff R.; Lee, Dwight: Revisiting the Nobel
Eusepi, Giuseppe: The Calculus of Dissent: Constitutional
Completion and Public Goods
Forman, Frank: A Specialist in Contract
Forte, Francesco: Buchanan’s "Increasing Returns"
Kliemt, Hartmut: The Art of the State, State
of the Art
Levy, David M.: Robust Institutions
Littlechild, S.C.: Buchanan and Shackle
on Cost, Choice and Subjective Economics
Watrin, Christian: Will the Europeans Seize
Their "Once-in-History Opportunity"?
Aktan, Coskun Can: Ideas Do Have Consequences!...
Allsbrook, Ogden O.: Influence of J. M. Buchanan
on a Noetic Miscellanist
Bacaria, Jordi: When I Fell Off the Horse
Benegas Lynch Jr., Alberto: Prof. James M.
Casas Pardo, Jose: Reminiscences of Jim Buchanan
Gilley, J. Wade:‘Is GMU Big Enough for Buchanan?’
Goetz, Charles: James McGill Buchanan: A Classic
Original Thinker
Henderson, David R.: An Appreciation of Jim
Holcombe, Randall G.: Learning From the Master:
A Student Evaluation of Professor Buchanan
de Jasay, Anthony: Taking Criticsm in the Grand
Mandelstamm, Allan: A Slender Contribution
Liggio, Leonard: Letter to Jim Buchanan
Sabino, Carlos: A Personal Reminisciense About
Jim Buchanan
Stoddard, Lytton W.: Right Thing, Right Way,
Right Place
Sugden, Robert: Blacksburg, Virginia: Summer,
Udagawa, Akihito: Good Days with Professor
James M. Buchanan in Virginia, Europe and Japan
Vaughn, Karen I.: A Birthday Reminiscence
West, Edwin G.: First Encounters with James Buchanan’s
Scholarship: A Personal Reminiscence
Willett, Thomas D.: A Personal Reminiscence
of James Buchanan
Yandle, Bruce: Anyone Over 50 is a "Damn Fool"
Yeager, Leland B.: James Buchanan's Influence:
A Personal View
Blundell, John and Robinson, Colin: Jim Buchanan
and the IEA
de Bolívar, Carolina R.: James Buchanan:
A Man of Character
Brady, Gordon L.: James Buchanan's Run-In with
the Ford Foundation
Tyler Cowen: Curiosity, Persistence and Virtue
Dorn, James A.: James M. Buchanan: A Model Plowman
da Empoli: Buchanan's Contributions: An Italian
Hamlin, Alan: Buchanan and Wiseman
Laband, David N.: James M. Buchanan Outside
the Classroom: A Former Student's Perspective
Meltzer, Allan H.: To Jim at Eighty
Morris, Christopher W.: Perspectives from Philosophy
Mottice, Robert N.: A Letter to James Buchanan
Nott, David C.: Very Few Men Have Done More
Reisman, David: Buchanan as a Conservative
Salinas, Javier: James M. Buchanan: A View
from the Periphery
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Happy Birthday Jim Buchanan
I don't remenber when and where I first met him - more than
As a Person: a Southern gentleman from top to toe -
As an Economist: He opened my mind for the underlying philosophy
Isabel Mühlfenzl
Photo provided by Emilio Giardina!
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To: Jim Buchanan
Congratulations on your 80th birthday
Hanne Weck-Hannemann University of Innsbruck / Austria |
List of Contributions, Alphabetically Ordered by Author's Name
Aktan: Ideas Do Have Consequences!... | aktan.htm | 4 |
Albert: Science and the Social Order | albert.htm | 2 |
Alchian: Well Kept Secrets of Jim’s Contributions to Economic Ph.D.s of the University of California | alchian.htm | 5 |
Allsbrook : Influence of J. M. Buchanan on a Noetic Miscellanist | allsbrook.htm | 4 |
Bacaria: When I Fell Off the Horse | bacaria.htm | 4 |
Backhaus: The Law and Economics of Environmental Taxation: When Should the Ecotax Kick in? | backhaus.htm | 2 |
Barbosa: The Constitutional Stage Revisited | barbosa.htm | 2 |
Benegas Lynch, Jr.: Prof. James M. Buchanan | ben_lynch.htm | 4 |
Blankart: Local Autonomy and Popitz' Law in Prussia and in Germany | blankart.htm | 2 |
Blundell & Robinson: Jim Buchanan and the IEA | blundell.htm | 5 |
Boettke; James M. Buchanan and the Rebirth of Political Economy | boettke.htm | 1 |
de Bolívar: James Buchanan: A Man of Character | bolivar.htm | 5 |
Bonaccorsi: James M. Buchanan and the Italian Economic Thought in the XIX Century: My Research on Francesco Ferrara and the Theory of Subjective Value | bonaccorsi.htm | 4 |
Brady: James Buchanan's Run-In with the Ford Foundation | brady.htm | 5 |
Breit: Buchanan-as-Artist: A Retrospective | breit.htm | |
Brennan: Notes on Buchanan on Methodological Individualism | brennan.htm | 2 |
Brough, Naka: Buchanan for the 21st Century | brough.htm | 3 |
Casas Pardo, Montoro-Pons and Puchades-Navaro: Evolution and Learning in Collective Decision Making | casas.pdf | 2 |
Casas Pardo: Reminiscences of Jim Buchanan | casas.htm | 4 |
Clark, Lee: Revisiting the Nobel Lie | clark.htm | 3 |
Congleton: Buchanan and the Virginia School | congleton.htm | 1 |
Cowen: Curiosity, Persistence and Virtue | cowen.htm | 5 |
Dorn: James M. Buchanan: A Model Plowman | dorn.htm | 5 |
da Empoli: Buchanan's Contributions: An Italian Viewpoint | daempoli.htm | 5 |
Eusepi: The Calculus of Dissent: Constitutional Completion and Public Goods | eusepi.htm | 3 |
Faith: Does Abstention Matter? | faith.htm | 2 |
Fand: Are We Facing a Stock Market Bubble? | fand.htm | 2 |
Feulner: The Impact of Professor James Buchanan‘s work on American Public Policy | feulner.htm | 1 |
Foldvary: Recalculating Consent | foldvary.htm | 2 |
Forman: A Specialist in Contract | forman.htm | 3 |
Forte: Buchanan’s "increasing returns" multiplier | forte.htm | 3 |
Giardina: Introductory Speech by Prof. Emilio Giardina, Dean of the Faculty of Economics of the University of Catania, for the Ceremony For the Award of the Laurea Honoris Causa to Professor James M. Buchanan | giardina.htm | 1 |
Giersch: Economic Morality as a Competitive Asset | giersch.htm | 2 |
Gilley: ‘Is GMU Big Enough for Buchanan?’ | gilley.htm | 4 |
Goetz: James McGill Buchanan: A Classic Original Thinker | goetz.htm | 4 |
Greene: Morality and the Political Process | green.pdf | 2 |
Hamlin: Buchanan and Wiseman | hamlin.htm | 5 |
Henderson: An Appreciation of Jim Buchanan | henderson.htm | 4 |
Holcombe: Learning From the Master: A Student Evaluation of Professor Buchanan | holcombe.htm | 4 |
Jasay: Taking Criticsm in the Grand Manner | jasay.htm | 4 |
Kliemt: The Art of the State, State of the Art | kliemt.htm | 3 |
Laband: James M. Buchanan Outside The Classroom: A Former Student's Perspective | laband.htm | 5 |
Levy: Robust Institutions | levy.pdf | 3 |
Lewisch: Constitutional Economics and Choice of Law | lewisch.htm | 2 |
Liggio: Letter to Jim Buchanan | liggio.htm | 4 |
Littlechild: Buchanan and Shackle on Cost, Choice and Subjective Economics | littlechild.htm | 3 |
Machan: The Normative Basis of Economic Science | machan.htm | 2 |
Mandelstamm: My Slender Contribution | mandelstamm.htm | 4 |
Marmolo,Mehta: Miracles and Meltdowns - Reinventing Leviathan in East Asia | marmolo.htm | 2 |
Meiselman: Government Intertemporal Capital Management Decision Making | meiselman.htm | 2 |
Meltzer: To Jim at Eighty | meltzer.htm | 5 |
Miller: Preface from James M. Buchanan, Public Finance in Democratic Process: Fiscal Institutions and Individual Choice | miller.htm | 5 |
Morris: Perspectives from Philosophy | morris.htm | 5 |
Mottice: A Letter to James Buchanan | mottice.htm | 5 |
Mudambi, Navarra: Government Bargaining with Non-Unitary-Actor Parties and the Case of Italian Government Breakdowns | mudambi.htm | 2 |
Mueller: What Ought to Be Taxed? | mueller.htm | 2 |
Müller,Tietzel: Merit Goods from a Constitutional Perspective | 2 | |
Nott: Very Few Men Have Done More | nott.htm | 5 |
Ott: A Personal Reminiscence | ott.htm | 2 |
Pauly: James Buchanan as a Health Economist | pauly.htm | 2 |
Pejovich: Immorality of the Transition Industry: The Case of Eastern Europe | pejovich.htm | 2 |
Plott: Mr. Buchanan - Some Episodes from the Life of a University of Virginia Graduate Student in the Early 1960s | plott.htm | 4 |
Reisman: Buchanan as a Conservative | reisman.htm | 5 |
Reynolds: Pareto Optimality and the Rule of Law | reynolds.htm | 2 |
Rhee: The National Debt Issue in Fiscal Exchange in Korea. - The Measurement of the Net Fiscal Burden by Income Classes | rhee.htm | 2 |
Richter: Transformation of Economic Systems | richter.htm | 2 |
Sabino: A personal Reminisciense About Jim Buchanan | sabino.htm | 4 |
Salinas: James M. Buchanan: A View from the Periphery | salinas.htm | 5 |
Schmidtchen: To Help or Not to Help: The Samaritan's Dilemma Revisited | schmidtchen.htm | 2 |
Schneider: The Role of a New International Monetary Institution After the EMU and After the Asian Crises: Some Preliminary Ideas Using Constitutional Economics | schneider.htm | 2 |
Shughart, Tollison: A Creative Theorist in His Workshop: James M. Buchanan as a Positive Economist | shughart.htm | 1 |
Stoddard: Right Thing, Right Way, Right Place | stoddard.htm | 4 |
Sugden: Blacksburg, Virginia: Summer, 1977 | sudgen.htm | 4 |
Swedenborg: A Personal Accounting of How Jim’s Writings Have Influenced My Career and Thinking | swedenborg.htm | 4 |
Tanaka: Considerations of Constitutional Choice at Condominium Community | tanaka.htm | 2 |
Thompson: An Invisible Hand Theorem for Collectivists | thompson.htm | 2 |
Udagawa: Good Days with Professor James M. Buchanan in Virginia, Europe and Japan | udagawa.htm | 4 |
Vanberg: Constitutional Economics and Ethics – On the Relation Between Self-Interest and Morality | vanberg.htm | 2 |
van Lith: We Have the Euro. Now We Need Competing Education and Training Systems to Make It Strong, a European Capital Market for Investment in Education to Make Europe Competitive and Grow Together. | van_lith.htm | 5 |
Vaughn: A Birthday Reminiscence | vaughn.htm | 4 |
Wagner: Austrian Cycle Theory: Saving the Wheat while Discarding the Chaff | wagner.htm | 2 |
Watrin: Will the Europeans Seize Their "Once-in-History Opportunity"? | watrin.htm | 3 |
West: First Encounters with James Buchanan’s Scholarship: A Personal Reminiscence | west.htm | 4 |
Willett: A Personal Reminiscence of James Buchanan | willett.htm | 4 |
Yandle: Anyone Over 50 is a "Damn Fool" | yandle.htm | 4 |
Yeager: James Buchanan's Influence: A Personal View | yeager.htm | 4 |
Yoon: The Voracity Effect Puzzle: Comment | yoon.htm | 2 |